Publisher Results for "sharpshooters"

Sharpshooters and Deer - How Much Does it Cost the American Taxpayer
Sharpshooters and Deer - How Much Does it Cost the American Taxpayer
Posted by Mike Willand
The use of sharpshooters to reduce exploding deer populations in small areas (typically urban) is nothing new. However, we’re going to crunch some numbers and show you just how much it’s costing YOU – Mr. Taxpayer.
National Park Service Considers SharpShooters before Hunters
National Park Service Considers SharpShooters before Hunters
Posted by Mike Willand
The National Park Service has recently been holding several public meetings in both the states of Maryland and Virginia in hopes of solving the issue of over-browsing whitetail deer on 3 protected Civil War battlefields.


Cheyenne, WY
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